Friday, May 11, 2012

sluts and fake sluts

hello, world. its me again with another topic. today's rant is for sluts and people who thinks being a slut is cool.

what the frek?! what are you doing with your life? being a slut means to have random sex with random people over and over again. so all the people out there who keep calling celebrities sluts and whores and crap, they don't have sex with just anyone!!! well maybe some of them do, but that is not the point. when did 'slut' mean how you dress and how you act and not how you handle your love life? just because you wear short shorts and low tops doesn't mean you are a slut. and some people who call other people sluts are usually sluts themselves, so my only note to you, you people who call other people sluts: get a life, you Hippocrates.

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