Wednesday, May 9, 2012


hello again! its me. for my very first rant i have chosen TITANIC.

let me first just say that it was a terrible tragedy and i feel that it was a horrible thing that happened, but the MOVIE! made me wanna shoot the screen. first of all, Rose, in my opinion, was an idiot. 'aww wahh! i have to eat expensive food and drink tea and marry a rich guy! waahhh!' wow. i mean, just, wow. dont get me wrong, true love is awesome. but she met the guy two days or so before! dontcha gotta know the person a little bit better than that before you fall in love with him? come on. and secondly, in the backseat of a car???!!! come on!!! that is THE most tackiest place to do in. if that was some other guy's car, you just ruined the seats. and if that was your own car? guess what. you just just ruined the seats. and thirdly, the lookouts. WTF?!!! look for fucking icebergs, not those two idiots!!! and arent you guys supposed to have binoculars? im thinking so. if you hadn't been watching those kids making out, then maybe you woulda seen the iceberg in time. maybe. but i guess we will never know now will we? why? oh, yeah! cuz you're dead! you're gone! poof! and there is just one thing more that i would like to say. the captain. im glad your old ass is dead! you are the MAIN reason all the people died horribly! that ship was supposed to be going a certain speed, but NOOO! you just HAD kick it up twice the speed it was supposed to be going! so when you saw that iceberg, you were going way too fucking fast to be able to swerve away from it! oh, ya! just one more thing. it is scientifically proven, that if they would've just rammed straight into the iceberg, it wouldn't have sunk. but they swerved. and caused the entire side of it to have damage. sigh. but i guess what can we do.

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